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Heritage Archive Historical Photos Search Tool

Browse our growing collection of over 2,400 photographs dating as far back as the 1800’s, including teams, individuals and moments. 

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BC Soccer Heritage Archive Historical Documents listing {{totalResults}} search results

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BC Soccer Heritage Archive Historical Photos

Since soccer started in BC in the 19th century, photographers have captured the excitement of the sport.

This collection of over 2,400 photographs includes teams from the 1800s, game action from the beginning to the current day, award winners and presentations, outstanding players and soccer leadership.

Some of us have been fortunate enough to live through wonderful moments in British Columbia Soccer History. It is important to recognize, remember and share the past with those who are shaping the future within our sport.

Roger Barnes, HOF Fame Committee member & Past President, BC Soccer

We are very proud of the memories and history of the dedication to the game of soccer by the men and women of British Columbia. Their accomplishments have served to inspire others to achieve. With the Soccer Hall of Fame we have a virtual home as a vehicle for remembering their excellence and be able to add to it in the years to come.”

Rob Brown, HOF Committee member and & Past Director, BC Soccer

As you look at the History of Soccer in BC from the late 1800's where the game took foothold in mining towns like Cumberland and Ladysmith, it mirrors the growth of the province. I’m very proud to be a British Columbian, and to have been involved in the game. Many families like mine, immigrated to this Province, bringing their love of the sport with them. Ultimately, people make soccer the great game it is, and we’re so happy to be able to recognize them on this site.”

Kjeld Brodsgaard, HOF Committee member & President, BC Soccer.