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Soccer Hall of Fame Nominations :

The Soccer Hall of Fame of British Columbia (SHOFBC) recognizes and honours excellence by British Columbians in soccer, whose example has brought great credit to our sport and province. 

Nominations Procedure

The Selection Panel of the Soccer Hall of Fame of BC very much welcomes nominations for induction into the Hall. Nominations will be accepted at any time of the year from any person or organization by completing the Nominations Form.

Nominations will be evaluated annually, after the annual deadline on August 1st. Induction will occur at the BC Soccer Awards Ceremony in November.

Inductee Qualifications and Classifications

Members of the Soccer Hall of Fame of BC are in six classifications:

  • 1: Players
  • 2: Coaches
  • 3: Referees
  • 4: Builders
  • 5: Teams of Distinction
  • 6: Organizations of Distinction
All inductees must be British Columbians who:
  • Have excelled in soccer,
  • Have brought great credit to the sport, and
  • Are respected by the soccer community in BC.
Their achievements must be noteworthy on a “best in class” basis.
  • Players must have played the game with excellence at the professional, youth or adult amateur level for a minimum of 10 years.
  • Builders, Coaches and Referees must have served soccer with distinction over an extended period for a minimum of 10 years in their role.
  • The Teams of Distinction award recognises soccer teams that accomplish significant feats in our sport at the international, national or provincial level. The teams can be a British Columbian club or provincial team, or a Canadian national team that includes at least one-third British Columbian players.
  • The Organisation of Distinction award recognises British Columbian soccer clubs and organisations that have made a positive impact on the game at the national, provincial or community level for a minimum of 50 years.

For the purposes of the Soccer Hall of Fame of British Columbia, an individual is considered a British Columbian if they have been born in BC, been raised in BC or have become a permanent full-time resident of BC, AND have been a participant in the soccer community in the province for at least five years, as a youth and/or adult.

Those moving to BC must have been a full-time BC resident during at least some of the time of their achievements for which their award is bestowed.

Induction Recognition and Ceremonies

Recognition of Inductees will include:
A Certificate of Hall of Fame Membership; invitation for the Inductee and guest to the BC Soccer Awards Ceremony where inductees will be honoured when many of the primary leaders of soccer in BC are assembled; and inclusion in Hall of Fame communication and web-site.

  • Nominees for an individual are eligible for consideration five years after their retirement from the calibre of play/involvement for which they are being honoured.
  • Membership in the Hall will only be awarded to recognize truly outstanding achievement, to denote true “best in class”. New nominations will be reviewed relative to other people/bodies in the soccer community to ensure their achievements are comparable to others in the Hall of Fame and more noteworthy than others involved in soccer. There is not a fixed number of inductees each year, but it will be limited. The number of inductees may initially be higher due to “catch-up” considerations.
  • The Selection Committee will seek nominations widely, may make nominations itself (before or during its consideration of new inductees), and solicit further information from nominees as required. The Committee is appointed by BC Soccer from the community based on knowledge of the history of soccer in the province and its players and reflect the diversity of soccer in BC. The Committee will function independently of the BC Soccer Board.
  • The Hall of Fame recognizes achievements by all in soccer in BC, not limited to BC Soccer registrants.
  • In the event of a living nominee, the person or organization must agree to be nominated.
  • The Hall recognizes achievements over extended periods of time, typically at least ten years. As such its role is different from and complements BC Soccer’s Annual Awards, which mostly recognize annual achievements.
  • The Soccer Hall of Fame of British Columbia operates in concert with the Canada Soccer Hall of Fame. Membership of the national Canada Soccer Hall of Fame gives automatic, immediate membership of the provincial soccer Hall of Fame to British Columbians.
  • Very occasionally the Selection Committee can waive or reduce these requirements in the event of achievements at the international level, illness or death of a nominee. Also in rare circumstances, a member could be removed from the hall for bringing the game into disrepute.
  • Selection decisions of the Selection Committee will not be subject to appeal, but unsuccessful nominations will be carried over for at least three years, and can be resubmitted for further consideration.
  • Note: Canada Soccer notes that individual members of Teams or Organizations of Distinction are not considered members of the Hall of Fame as individuals, a convention BC will follow.

Submit a Hall of Fame Nomination :

If you would like to submit your BC Soccer Hall of Fame nomination today then please click this link to follow our digital nominations procedure. All nominations will be considered by our research team and panel at British Columbia Soccer Association...

List of Members of Soccer Hall of Fame in British Columbia:

March 2024

These 157 inductees include the inaugural 2019 class of British Columbian members of the Canada Soccer Hall of Fame and British Columbia's own inductees from 2020 to date.

Reflecting the era of male and female soccer, there are now 35 players in the Soccer Hall of Fame of BC who have been born since 1960 - 18 are male, 17 are female. There are nine Teams of Distinction who played since 1980 - Four are male, five are female.

Jamie Ackinclose Frank Ambler George Anderson Garry Ayre
Eddie Bak Jim Blundell Bob Bolitho Ian Bridge
Dave Brown Silvana Burtini Gerela Roy Cairns John Catliff
Tony Chursky Carlo Corazzin Jock Coulter Jack Cowan
Errol Crossan Nick Dasovic Tracy David Paul Dolan
Geraldine Donnelly Ernie Edmunds Neil Ellett Terry Felix
Drew Ferguson Bill Findler Craig Forrest Martina Franko
Nick Gilbert Mike Gilmore Peter Greco Doug Greig
Sven Habermann Trevor Harvey Wendy Hawthorne Randee Hermus
Art Hughes Daniel Imhof Gordon Ion Glen Johnson
Victor Kodelja Karina LeBlanc Bob Lenarduzzi Sam Lenarduzzi
Larry Louie Harry Manson Don Matheson Joan McEachern
Normie McLeod Wes McLeod Colin Miller Dale Mitchell
Domenic Mobilio Suzanne Muir Andrea Neil Bobby Newbold
Sharolta Nonen Roy Nosella Pat Onstad George Pakos
Les (Buzz) Parsons Ken Pears Brian Philley Pat Philley
Randy Ragan David Ravenhill Michelle Ring Passant Brian Robinson
Cathy Ross Clare Rustad Randy Samuel Josh Simpson
Bobby Smith Jimmy Spencer Gary Stevens Gogie Stewart
Dickie Stobbart David Stothard Mike Sweeney Brittany Timko Baxter
Dave Turner Carl Valentine Gino Vazzoler Mark Watson
Murray West Jack Whent Fred Whittaker Bruce Wilson
Nicole Wright Frank Yallop Sergio Zanatta Emily Zurrer


Doug Abercrombie Jimmie Adam Mike Bartram
Chris Bennett John Buchanan Harry Christie
Joe Csabai Shelley Howieson Brian Hughes
Joe Johnson Don Moslin Don Petrie
Bruce Twamley  Tony Waiters  


Robert Allen Dan Kulai Dante Maglio
John Meachin Mauricio Navarro John Nielsen
Michelle Pye   Bob Sawtell

Werner Winsemann

Robert Adam

William Azzi Herb Capozzi
Jeff Cross Dave Fryatt Alex Hylan

Con Jones

Jim Lamond Keith Millar
Lou Moro John Richardson John Russell
Aubrey Sanford Leeta Sokalski Bill Stirling
Les Wilson Harold Witter  
Cliff Avenue United FC Columbus FC Gorge Soccer Association (Gorge FC)
Kamloops Youth Soccer Association Nanaimo United FC

North Shore United

Powell River Villa FC St. Andrews FC

Vancouver Firefighters FC

Vancouver Whitecaps FC  Victoria West FC



1928 Westminster Royals (Men's)

1933 Chinese Students (Men's)

1951 Victoria All-Stars vs Fulham (Men's)

1957 BC All-Stars vs Tottenham Hotspur (Men's)

1979 Vancouver Whitecaps (Men's)

1984 Canada Men's Olympic Team
1986 Canada Men's World Cup Team 1989 Canada Men's Francophone Games Team
1995 Canada Women's World Cup Team 1996-2003 UBC Alumni Women's
2000 Canada Men's Concacaf Gold Cup 2000-2003 Surrey Marlins Women's

2004-2014 Surrey United Premier Women's

2015 NIFA Women’s Indigenous Team Canada